Report a Landslide

Please use this form to report any landslides in New Zealand.

If there is significant risk to life or buildings, dial 111 before you fill this in.

Note that not all authorities actively monitor this database, so please also call your local authority if you want them to reply to you or if there's an action they need to undertake. You can use this form to record the details that they will use to formulate their response. If the slip is within 8 m of your house, please contact your insurance company directly.


Use search to find a location on the map. Use create to pin a dot on the map where a landslide has occured.







Please provide a photo, press "select file" below

no files selected

The NZ Landslides Database exists to improve our understanding of landslide risk by creating a nationwide repository of landslide information. By clicking submit I agree that the information I have provided (including my name and contact information) can be stored on the NZ Landslides Database and shared with the organisations who manage the database and check the quality of the data stored on it, as well as relevant agencies (such as councils, roading authorities, infrastructure providers, the Earthquake Commission, NZ based researchers) who may need to respond to the landslide or undertake research on landslide risk. I understand that an automated report will be generated and circulated, where possible, to help agencies respond to landslides. Your name and contact details may be included on this report to help agencies contact you if they need more information, or if they need to report something to you.